+32 3 501 95 72 hello[at]safetyscience.be


An extensive range of adhesive lines, arrows and icons

With our strong floor marking tape you can easily apply striping and marking. Think of pallet spaces or walkways in a warehouse.

The ideal solution for long-term floor marking in almost any environment.

The rolls of 30 m length are available in 10 different colors and 7 different widths (5 cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 30.5 cm, 70.5 cm, 86.5 cm).

There is also a 91 cm “path” dimension available. Footsteps, dots, arrows, angles, letters and numbers, anything is possible!


  • Ideal for smooth, new floors
  • Ideal for 5S, Six Sigma or Visual Applications
  • Easy installation
  • Easy to remove if the warehouse is reorganized.
  • No drying time, curing time, smell or unavailability, compromizing your productivity
  • 2 years warranty

Contact us for a free sample package

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